AIRSTEM LABS Managed Mentor Model

Our End to End Solutions

  • State of the art kits

  • Software for coding

  • Syllabus aligned with Academic Curriculum

  • Comprehensive learning management system

  • Guided learning – Robotics mentor support

School Managed Mentor Model

Develop a Robotics Lab for your school

  • State of the art kits

  • Software for coding

  • Syllabus aligned with Academic Curriculum

  • Comprehensive learning management system

  • Robotics Mentor training model for Teachers

This comprehensive curriculum goes beyond technical skills, fostering future innovators

Benefits for Students

Benefits for Students

Problem solving

Problem solving

Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking

Team Work & Collaboration

Team Work & Collaboration



Acquire Future Skills

Acquire Future Skills

Benefits for School

Benefits for School

Research and Development

Research and Development

Advanced customization of the solution

Advanced customization of the solution

Upskilled Teachers

Upskilled Teachers

Better student Performance

Better student Performance

Demand for Admissions

Increased Enrollments

Brand Value

Brand Value